Saturday, March 29, 2014

Review: The Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus Vol. 2

My fondest childhood memories are those of my Grandpa and comics. Every fortnight my Grandpa would take me to the local book store in my home town where I would spend 5 mins quickly going through the comic pile and then another 20 - 30 mins deciding which comic book to buy! I usually bought a lot of DC titles like New Teen Titans, Outsiders, Legion of Super Heroes, Batman etc. as they were the only ones available in my home town. For some weird reason Marvel titles were not sold on a regular basis. But when they were, I'd pounce on them like a wild cat! The X-Men! Avengers! Tomb of Dracula! Defenders! These were some of the comics I'd snatch up if I ever saw them. Strangely the one title that eluded me was The Fantastic Four. Then one day I chanced on John Byrne's Fantastic Four # 265. The title introduced She Hulk as The Thing's replacement on the team and ended on a cliff hanger with the Invisible Girl bursting with radiation! The suspense was unbelievable and I was hooked but unfortunately I never found the next issue or Byrne's FF run again.

Fantastic Four 265
About two year's ago I chanced to notice the The Fantastic Four by John Byrne Omnibus Vol. 1 listed on Amazon. Oh boy did I drool at that listing however I quickly noticed that the Omnibus stopped short at FF # 262. This meant that I'd still not know the outcome of # 265 and no She Hulk FF issues. I decided to pass up Vol. 1 and wait for 'Vol. 2' to be released which was kind of a gamble because I wasn't sure if there was a Vol. 2 in the pipeline from Marvel. Anyways I kept a vigilant watch on, and Amazon for any proposed listings of Vol.2. Finally, last year saw the release of Vol. 2 and I decided to get it as my 'belated' (my birthday is in November and the Omnibus was released in December) present. When it finally arrived via Australia Post you can't imagine my excitement as I tore open the thick Amazon packaging and bubble wrap. The Omnibus was everything that I dreamed off and maybe some more! At 1224 pages thick it can be used as a weapon (if ever needed) and last an average comic fanboy days poring over Byrne's stories, detailed artwork, eye popping color schemes and tons of additional artwork.

FF Omnibus by John Byrne Vol. 2 Front Cover
FF Omnibus by John Byrne Vol. 2 Back Cover
FF Omnibus by John Byrne Vol. 2
And what stories do you get in this collection? Well for starters you get the The Trial of Reed Richards storyline with jaw dropping art, then She Hulk joins the team in place of The Thing, the Mephisto arc, the whole introduction of Invisible Woman storyline, Jean Grey (X-Men) returns from the land of the dead phoenixes and oh yes plenty of Dr. Doom (or is it someone else?). The covers and interior art is spectacular and constantly reminds you why Byrne is considered top of his class.  Byrne seems to have introduced She Hulk to the cast so that he could shake up the core family dynamics and also draw Shulkie in amazing poses. The colouring has not been redone (a blessing if you ask me, just look at the coloring of the dust jacket vs. the original coloring) and seems to stand the test of time pretty well. However towards the end the stories kinda peter out and the artwork seems hurried (?) signalling the end of Byrne's long tenure on the book. In all it's a worthy investment to witness Byrne's definitive take on these characters and also if you're a fanboy that never got the chance to witness the character development and unfolding of these stories.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

A comic character I'd love to be

If someone were to ask you this really offbeat question, "If you had super-powers, what would it be?", your answer could range from the likes of 'Spider man' to 'Wolverine'. When a very dear friend of mine asked me this same very question a few years ago I admit I was stumped! I wanted the most coolest powers ever so I think I said 'Superman' in the spur of the moment. However, the bloody question left me wondering if there was a super powered character even more powerful than good old 'Superman' and also much more importantly, why I could not connect with the fact that if possible I wanted to be just like 'Superman'! Loooool! That question became my favorite research topic and within a few weeks I emerged realizing that I answered that question wrong! I also realized it was not the super powers that I got wrong, it was the character I chose to identify with or idolize. I am NO 'Superman'. Even if given a chance I would NEVER manage to be the man of steel, fight for justice and blah blah. So who did I identify with???

In the 2000s, Marvel Comics brought Grant Morrison on as writer for its once premier comic title 'X-Men' with a very specific task - make the title a critical and commercial success again! Yes, the sales figures for that title had dropped so drastically that Marvel was in fear that it may have to cancel its most lucrative franchise. Long story short, Grant did just that. His run on the title was MIND BLOWING! He cut down the team size, the super heroics, the funny costumes and threw away the tradition of long and complicated plot lines. He created a core team which was his cast and to it he added a reformed super villainess introduced way back in 1980! If you've read the series you know I'm talking about the one and only 'Emma Frost or The White Queen'. Whilst you must understand this character has been around for decades, it's Grant's version of her that made a mark on not only me but countless other X-Men comic book readers!

The moment I realized I identified with Emma's character I was zapped! Struck my lightening! What made me identify myself with her? Wasn't she a super villain at some point of time? Weren't her powers lame (telepathy and the ability to change into a diamond)? Wasn't she a self centered, vain and sarcastic woman? Wasn't her ego the size of Mount Everest? Would I leave my Dad around her? Suddenly, the character seemed pretty real. Aren't we all a little self centered? Don't we all feel proud of the way we are and how we carry ourselves? Who doesn't love good old sarcasm? The more I thought the more I was enamored with this very modern character. I went back and re read Grant Morrison's run again just to double check if I got it right. Lo and behold, I identified myself with a psychotic bitch!

And that's my answer now a days to everyone who asks me why I'm such a bitch! 'Breeding, darling. Top class breeding!'. Loooool! Well what I'm trying to say here is in todays world we always seem to find or be surrounded by many eager people at work, near home and even at home who are ready to pass judgment by saying something vicious or catty about you or the situation you are in. Most of the times we respond with 'F#$% off!' or 'What's it to you a@# h#$%?'. However, if you re examine the situation and your own response statement later you will find that technically you did not get the last laugh by getting abusive. It only shows how weak and vulnerable you are. It is imperative that when you do respond to some catty or vicious comment you leave them looking for words, fingers curled tight into a fist and red faced. Score 1 for Ms. Frost! Filled with the most witty come backs, she puts everyone in their place. That was the first quality/character aspect I could easily identify with or relate to.

Next quality - Vanity. Vain and proud of who she is. Admitted, in today's world you have either people who are filled with self conscious loathing or the exact opposite, which is the 'I'm better than thou' attitude. If you ask me, I find myself floating in the latter boat rather than always finding faults with myself. Isn't that what people around you are for? To find faults in you and keep highlighting it? So isn't it better to just be vain and proud of yourself and let the world around you do all the fault finding and research about what makes you evil? True it's not the best personality type but in todays criminal urban world doesn't that actually get you by many difficult situations at work or in your relationship? Score 2 for Ms. Frost!

Apathy, the exact opposite of Empathy. Ok, Emma's super powers is telepathy and to turn into a walking talking diamond. Yup, you heard that right. However, when she is in her diamond form she cannot feel any emotions or even read other peoples minds. That's what I found to be wildly interesting/exciting. With the amount of heart ache an average urban woman or man suffers wouldn't it just be awesome to turn into your diamond form and switch off all those crummy feelings like sadness, anguish, rejection, anger blah blah. I immediately remembered so many days in the past when I would have done anything to be completely devoid of any and all emotions. Score 3 for Ms. Frost's super powers!

"The betrayals all in your head, Scott.". Emma is credited with breaking up Marvels premiere mutant couple i.e. Scott Summers aka Cyclops and Jean Grey aka Phoenix. Scott and Jean have been around since the 60s as a young couple, then Jean went and died in the early 80s and came back to life in late 80s (don't ask how, lol but it's common in comic books). Scott was married at the time of Jean's return to Jean's very own clone - Madelyn Prior! Of course Scott left Maddy and their mutant son Nathan for Jean's wide open waiting arms! Maddy went insane, developed her own super powers and had to be killed off so that Jean wouldn't look like a total slut and Cyclops a slag! Well, karma ALWAYS catches up and this time a la Emma. What I found very interesting in this love triangle is that Emma did not engage in a physical relationship with Scott. It was only a telepathic affair i.e. it happened in their minds. Of course stupid thing for Emma to do as Jean is a omega level mutant telepath and it would only be a matter of time before she found out, but Emma had absolutely no qualms about the whole thing as it was only a thought in her head which she happened to share with Scott. Don't we all have 'thoughts'? <grin>. The point I'm trying to make here is that even if you have such 'thoughts' it doesn't make you a bad person, just a normal human who happens not to be prude! If Emma was such a bitch for just thinking, are we all not also to blame?! Well at the end of Grant's run he kills off Jean and unites Scott and Emma. Whoa! Score 4 for Emma!

The Knight in shining armour syndrome. Come on, admit it, we all fall into either the knight in shining armour personality type or the damsel in distress personality type (if you refute this fact, you happen to be alien from Mars!). Emma is no different. However, she choses not to play the damsel in distress role instead wants to be the knight in shining armour. Maybe not the best as you can see in her interaction above with Angel as here all she cares about is finding a 'pet project' which will make her feel 'good' for having rescued someone. Who cares what Emma's selfish needs are, the point here is that she doesn't want to be rescued and instead looks for people to rescue. Score 5 for independant Emma!

When Grant Morrison ended his critical and highly acclaimed run on New X-Men, along came Joss Whedon (creator, script writer and owner of 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer' series) who picked from where Grant left off with his cast of characters and took the X-Men to astonishing heights! Apart from Emma's usual sarcasm, he established a tiny but very interesting fact - Emma is her own best friend first! What I mean here is that we all have best friends and so does Emma, but how many of us are happy with our own company if our best friends are unavailable? Emma accepts the fact that there are days when she has to stand alone due to what ever reasons and she's more than happy to do so. Speaking solely for myself, it took me approx. 28 years to become my own best friend i.e. investing and enjoying 'me' time! Score 5 for Emma! You rock!

Well, I could go on and on about Ms. Emma Frost's qualities and why she appeals to me but I do want to leave some aspect a mystery for you. Maybe you might just go out and read some of Grant Morrison's New X-Men run?! Also after reading this article a lot of you may just find it strange for a 'man' to identify with a 'woman', and if that does not irk you, then the sheer fact that such a woman could even be considered 'inspiring'! But hey that's what I'm here to do right? Tell you that today's young urban man does not find it belittling to look up to a strong minded woman or for that matter want his woman to be Ms. Goody two shoes! I for one love this comic character, her personality and her abilities. Apart from rocking the X-Men franchise, Emma Frost managed to creep into the hearts of many comics fans including me.

Hope you enjoyed reading this article. Maybe you can go back and think of which comic character you'd like to be if ever given the chance! Before I love and leave you all here is one last clip of the 'humane' Emma... Yup, you heard that right, in spite of everything she still is a good human being.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Mumbai Comic Con 2011

The most anticipated event this fall for all true comic fans based in Mumbai was the city's very first Comic Con. which was organized in the World Trade Center. Of course yours truly had to be there for this 2 day mega event which was organized very conveniently over a weekend.

I reached Mumbai at around 10:00am and caught up with a another comic collector pal. Together we both headed to the Con. and reached around 10:45am. At the entrance we fell flat of a warm reception when we were told the event was running slightly delayed and we'd have to wait. Bummer! Of course, my pal and I both mentioned we were bloggers for the event and we were immediately ushered in! Good going 'blogger' status!

Upon entry my pal and I split up. It took me roughly 15 mins to cover the entire floor, another 15 to check out booths that I thought were interesting and finally another 15 mins conversing with the entire jing bang. That's it folks, 45 mins and I was done! Of course I did catch the inaugural speech by whathisname and heard some yakity yak by the sponsors but in 45 mins I was pretty much done and dusted with the place.

Now a little more about the booths I covered, comic store biggies Landmark and Crossword were present, Landmark clearly stood out as a winner with its massive discounts on all the graphic novels on display and the polar opposite stood true with Crossword! Lol, their price tags on certain graphic novels were out of this world!

Crosswords sure had a lot of comics but I'm sure nobody even bought a single one!
East or West, Landmark rules the Con!
Flipkart was also present and the people at that booth were incredible in terms of response, promotional work and freebies! Yaaaaay Flipkart! You guys rock! A special mention also goes to Kshiraj Telang who makes these wonderful do it yourself paper toys! They reminded me of Marvels mini mate series. A lot of Indian Indie Comic books were either launched or showcased during this Con. I'll cover those booths sometime later.
Kshiraj Telang's toonoholic!

What I feel I need all deserves special mention in the not so kind light was the Disney booth. Yes they had kiddie stationery and marvel back packs but hey hang on Disney, we are at a bloody Comic Con and not some junior fete! With not a single marvel comic or action figure in sight the booth was the biggest eyesore at the Convention. Beofore I say adieu I'll leave you with some more pics of the entire event so that you get a brief glimpse into the Con!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Swamp Thing by Alan Moore

The day before I was blogging about the Landmark Book Stores big sale event and how you could find the best of the best just for a couple of hundreds. Well today I thought I'd write about what I picked up from Landmark on sale. If you've read my earlier post you'd know by now I'm going to be blogging about my one true passion - reading graphic novels!

Swamp Thing by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, John Totleben, Rick Veitch and Tatjana Wood was something I remember hunting for in my local comic book store but alas to no avail. It all started when I chanced to pick up a single issue (the only one available) in which the Swamp Monster heads straight to Gotham City to free his beloved Abby from the Gotham City Police Dept. When the law refuses to let Abby go he changes the city landscape from concrete to 'green'! The issue ended with a cliff hanger. You see Lex Luthor contracted for 10 mins on how to destroy good old Swampy by some shady corporate men and the last page show's Batman staring down in surprise at his city reinvented. I never found issue 53 back then but last year I found the entire series in Landmark for a staggering Rs. 6000+. Definitely could not afford that, so you could imagine my excitement when I found most of Mr. Moore's entire run for a small amount (4 and 6 was not available, trying very hard to get 4 via discount, fingers crossed!).

Right from 'The Anatomy Lesson' to 'Swamp Thing Annual 2: Down Amongst the dead men' to 'The Curse' to 'My Blue Heaven' Mr. Moore spins the most potent tales that will intrigue, horrify and excite you! His run on Swamp Thing was critically acclaimed at the time and I guess this is what led to the new wave of realism in comics at the time. It is surprising that whilst Mr. Moore is famous for his work on 'Watchmen', 'V for Vendetta', 'From Hell' and 'The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen' series very few people have heard of read  his phenomenal run on Swamp Thing. I feel his entire run on Swamp Thing deserves the Absolute treatment or at least a single Omnibus! To match the great writing the artists do a good job capturing the emotions of the people and the Swamp Monster. However what really stands out for me is Tatjana Wood's coloring! The shades of green used in this entire collection are mind blowing!

Would I recommend this graphic novel series? Hell ya! It's def. not for kids and the stories rarely involve any super heroics.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Landmark's most epic book sale till date!

A couple of weeks ago, I happened to walk into Landmark the book store. Boy was I in for the shock of my life! The whole store buzzed and oozed a single word 'SALE', '199', '299' and 'Buy 2 get 1 free'! WTF??? Ok, well so what's the big deal? We've seen similar book sales year after year in Crosswords, Oxfords etc, what makes this sale better? Well folks you are partly right. The books that were put on sale were the same old ones that were out last year and the year before. But if you just happened to glance through all the books carefully you'd know that this time it was no ordinary sale! Why? Graphic novels were on sale for the first time at a shocking Rs. 199 or Rs. 299!!! Yup, you're reading this correct! Graphic Novels have rarely made it to the sale section in any book sale but this time Landmark pulled out all the plugs and tons of them were lying strewn around all on sale! An avid comic collector or reader would go mad with this sight. No longer would we have to count our pennies when we need to buy an Alan Moore's 'Watchmen' or Neil Gaiman's 'The Sandman' series. Why chose between Marvel's 'X-Men' or DC's 'JLA' when you can have both for the price of peanuts? Oh yes sir, this sale was indeed epic. I happened to find Alan Moore's entire run on 'Swamp Thing' for little less that a thousand bucks and spent the entire week devouring stories that were written in the 80s but still hold fresh! My next blog will def. review those stories but I want to thank Landmark from the bottom of my heart for making this Diwali a special one!